“El Cauce de los Sueños” obra seleccionada como finalista para el Premio Nacional de Pintura “José Arpa”.
El Certamen Nacional del Premio de Pintura “José Arpa” celebra este año su 77ª edición. Su objetivo es contribuir a la promoción y fomento de la pintura como expresión artística.
Mi agradecimiento al Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Carmona (Sevilla).
“El Cauce de los Sueños” junto con las otras obras finalistas se exponen en las Salas de Exposiciones del Ayuntamiento, Bajos del Ayuntamiento. La Exposición estará abierta al público del 6 al 17 de septiembre de 2024.
“Riverbed of Dreams”, work nominated for the National Painting Award “José Arpa”. The “José Arpa” National Painting Award celebrates its 77th edition this year. Its objective is to contribute to the promotion and encouragement of painting as an artistic expression.
My thanks to the City Council of Carmona, (Seville).
“Riverbed of Dreams” together with the other finalists is on display in the City Council Exhibition Rooms, Bajos Del Ayuntamiento. The Exhibition will be open to the public from September 6 to 17, 2024.
The "José Arpa" National Painting Prize, which has been convened by the City Council of Carmona uninterruptedly since 1947, has an economic endowment of 8,000 euros and has achieved throughout its more than seven decades of life a consolidated prestige in the field of National Pictorial Panorama.
Among the works awarded throughout its existence, it has some of the most significant signatures of Spanish and especially Andalusian plastic creation, which have contributed to form a remarkable Municipal Art Gallery, with more than 250 works, many of which are representative of the most significant currents of the twentieth century.